AC Ryan heeft gisteren firmware versie voor de VEOLO online gezet. Waarschijnlijk de belangrijkste wijziging is dat men nu ook toegang heeft tot de gratis apps in de Android Market. De betaalde afdeling zal volgen in een toekomstige update.
Daarnaast zijn er ook een hoop bugs aangepakt en kan vanaf deze update de firmware ook direct via internet worden uitgevoerd. Deze update moet dus nog even via USB of SD kaart.
Met deze update laat AC Ryan zien dat ze de VEOLO niet als een sell and forget product op de markt willen brengen, en dat ze zeker doorwerken aan de firmware om eventuele problemen te verhelpen.
Download de nieuwe firmware hier.
Volledige changelog:
- Fix device keyboard “Auto-cap” to operate correctly according to application environment
- Fix issue for cut and paste files
- Fix certain video playback unable to display in full screen
- Fix unable to mount SAMBA folder when the server response is slow
- Fix unable to start DHCP process when the Ethernet cable is unplugged and then re-plugged
- Fix certain videos unable to pause
- Fix subtitle size changes when playing back various videos with different resolution
- Fix unplugging the default storage will cause a system reboot
- Fix unable to sort by Name/Size/Time modified in File Manager when certain menu language is used
- Fix SAMBA server may disconnect when large files are copied over to a FAT32 formatted storage
- Fix storage locations correctly displayed as NAND, SDCard and USB when viewed from a SAMBA client
- Add Android Marketplace application
- Add support for retaining user data and applications during firmware update
- Add support for HTML5 video tags (MPEG-4, H.264, Ogg Theora)
- Add support for HTML5 audio tags (PCM, MP3, Ogg Vorbis)
- Add support for German QWERTZ keyboard
- Add new desktop wallpapers
- Add “Input method and keyboard” during initial setup process
- Add caption in File Manager for the 3 function buttons to switch layout/media filter/sort view
- Add blinking effect on the front panel LED when firmware update is in progress
- Add Online upgrade feature for new firmware releases
- Improve IDX/SUB subtitle display
- Improve PGS subtitle display
- Improve various OSD menu language errors
- Improve PNG format decoding
- Improve SAMBA server data transfer speed
- Improve problem of Flash player video frame that remains fixed in position when scrolling up/down or
- when exiting a playback frame
- General improvement to Flash player performance
- General improvement to video and image decoding
- General improvement to system stability, fix various system crash
- Default “Keep aspect ratio” to Letterbox