Synology DSM 4.0-2219 en package updates uitgekomen

Synology heeft zojuist DSM 4.0-2219 en bijgewerkte packages vrijgegeven.

DSM zelf kan uiteraard via het configuratiescherm worden bijgewerkt. De packages moeten apart worden bijgewerkt in Package Center.

Voor elke package is een aparte changelog, maar gemak dient de mens, dus lees vooral hieronder verder voor alle changelogs achter elkaar.


Version: DSM 4.0-2219

  1. Updated Photo Station, Audio Station, Surveillance Station, Media Server, iTunes Server and Download Station packages to the latest version if they were installed. Please refer to these packages’ release notes for details.
  2. Enhanced Samba protocol security by preventing remote code execution as the “root” user (CVE-2012-1182).
  3. Added a notification event when the DiskStation enters safe mode due to UPS low battery.
  4. Enhanced USB Copy to function properly with an attached iPhone.
  5. Fixed an issue where your DiskStation might not enter hibernation while DDNS service is enabled and PPPoE connection is established.
  6. Enhanced the overall stability of AFP file protocol.
  7. Minor bug fixes.

Version: Photo Station 5.1-2202

  1. Improved the overall stability when sharing photos to social network.
  2. Fixed an issue where the orientation of video playback may be incorrect.

 Version: Audio Station 3.0-2202

  1. Fixed an issue where you cannot listen to RadioIO Internet radio programs.
  2. Enhanced the stability of Internet Radio function.

Version: Download Station 3.1-2202

  1. Fixed an issue where you may not resume torrent tasks after they are paused.
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: Surveillance Station 5.1-2204

  1. 12 IP camera models from Vivotek, iMege, iPUX, Zavio, etc, are added onto the support list. Please refer to the here for the complete list.
  2. A 1 x 1 Live-view layout is now added for VS60 and VS80.
  3. Enhanced the compatibility with D-Link IP cameras.
  4. Fixed an issue where the event recordings (avi) cannot be played back on certain video players.
  5. Fixed an issue where the snapshots cannot be displayed with certain picture viewers.

Version: Media Server 1.0-2201

  1. Added an option to transfer the album or video original cover image to DMA devices.
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: iTunes Server 1.0-2199

  1. Fixed an issue where you may not upgrade iTunes Server successfully when the system is busy.
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: Antivirus Essential 1.1-2201

  1. Enhanced the compatibility with Cloud Station package.
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: VPN Server 1.1-2199

  1. Fixed an issue where some established VPN connections may not appear in the connection list.

Version: Time Backup 1.1-2199

  1. For compatibility with DSM 4.0-2219, Time Backup must upgrade to this version.

Version: Directory Server 1.1-2200

  1. Fixed an issue where you may not run Directory Server due to database errors.

Version: DHCP Server 1.0-2200

  1. Fixed an issue where DHCP Server may automatically restart after system reboot even you have stopped it manually.
  2. Minor bug fixes.

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